Jebsen & Jessen Ingredients

Feed Solutions

We are an established provider of high-quality nutritional products in the ASEAN region and supply EU-approved functional products for the manufacturing of various animal feed applicable to a wide range of livestock from poultry and swine to aquaculture.


Learn more about our product solutions. We source exclusively from reliable international technology partners who are world-class innovators in the feed sector.


See which industry segments we support and how we can help businesses overcome common challenges. Our expertise and solutions are at your disposal.


Find out what is happening in Asia’s animal feed industries. Learn more about the latest trends. See how new approaches and innovative products can help your business.

What we do

A Modern Approach to Animal Feed & Health Industries

Jebsen & Jessen Ingredients supplies EU-approved functional products for the manufacturing of various animal feed applications to a wide range of livestock – from poultry, swine, aquaculture, and ruminant to pets.

Environmentally friendly and safe for both animal and human, the selected products are backed by scientific studies and trials which demonstrate positive effects on livestock metabolic performance and improved immunity against today’s disease challenges.

Working in partnership with the world’s leading feed companies, Jebsen & Jessen Ingredients provides extensive market coverage through its network of offices, warehouse facilities, logistic solutions and a dedicated technical sales team in supplying reputable product ranges.

Take a closer look at how we support feed industries across Asia – we’re always keen to hear from you and see how we can work together.

Years in Asia

Metric tons of specialty ingredients distributed each year

International technology partners

Our Product Solutions

Our team has a solid range of specialised products available for feed industries. Take a look at the different product types and see how they can help your business grow.

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We offer a solid range of organic anti-bacterial acidifiers and natural growth promoters.

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Anti-Caking agents

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Silicas and silicates can be added as free-flowing and anti-caking minerals/vitamins premix. They can also be used as liquid carriers.

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We offer powerful antioxidants to provide effective and long term protection of fats, oils and protein meals, which are highly susceptible to antioxidation and rancidity.

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Butyric Acid

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Butyric acid can stimulate feed intake and enzyme activity, increase growth and adaptation of intestinal villi. It can also help to control pathogens.

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Single and cocktail enzymes decrease feed costs without affecting animal performance. They also help expand space of formulas, enhance the utilisation of nutrients and protect the environment and resources by minimizing faecal excretion and improving litter quality.

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Medication Premix

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For the treatment of Mycoplasmosis, Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) and diseases caused by Clostridium perfringens in poultry. For the prevention and treatment of Enzootic Pneumonia, Proliferative Enteropathy (Ileitis) and Swine Dysentery in pigs.

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Mould Inhibitors

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We offer calcium propionate for mould control in feedstuffs.

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Our portfolio contains the first and only EU approved phytogenic zootechnical additive.

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Short-chain polysaccharides support the selective increase of good bacteria and decreases pathogenic bacteria in animal guts.

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Concentrated live bacteria specifically selected to enhance the nutrition and health of monogastric organisms. Live yeast strains for gestating and lactating sows and piglet health.

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Biotechnology Soy Protein-treated

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Our enzymatically processed soy proteins have been specially developed for young animal nutrition. They provide high digestibility, reduced content of anti-nutritional factors and outstanding palatability. Applications in swine, poultry, ruminants, aquaculture and pets.

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Whey Permeate

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Spray-dried permeate powder produced directly from sweet whey from which proteins have been extracted by ultrafiltration. The powder is non-hydroscopic, free-flowing and neutral in flavour.

Our Industry Specialisations

Our industry experts across the region have experience with many specialised feed segments. The main focus of our team and products are poultry, swine and aquaculture industries.

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Companion Animals

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The fastest-growing sector in animal production is facing many challenges, including pond water quality management, animal health, sustainability, environmental impacts. Increased pressure has lead the way to support sustainable aquaculture solutions in an environmentally friendly way while remaining profitable.

Our mission is to provide one-stop solutions to assist clients in increasing their profits while being able to operate their business in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.


Controlling production costs is one of the biggest challenges in achieving profitability in poultry production. Proper management of feed costs is essential for a thriving operation.

We offer highly developed products for reducing feed costs while at the same time maintaining performance during every stage of poultry productions –  from day-old chicks to layers, breeders and other poultry species.

piglets drinking milk from mother sow


For swine production to be efficient, sustainable, and profitable, the following fundamental aspects have to be taken into consideration – nutrition, genetics, herd health, management, and environmental factors. The swine industry has faced many challenges during the past years: sow hyper-prolificacy, alternatives to antibiotics, heat stress resistance, biosecurity, African Swine Fever and more.

We provide products and service solutions that contribute to optimal growth and health, high productivity, sustainable management and maximum returns for farmers and feed millers.

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Companion Animals

The health and happiness of our companion animals are becoming more and more important. Pet owners care about the well-being of their animals and focus on reliable quality products and ingredients.

Our team provides many relevant products focused on dietary improvement in companion animals. These products have a solid track record of improving the well-being of animals, such as cats, dogs, and others.

Solving Challenges for Feed Industries

Creating modern feed products is an advanced process with numerous challenges and potential pitfalls. Our teams are here to evaluate and advise. Take a look at common industry challenges and see how we approach these issues and help customers overcome them.

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Animal Welfare and Environmental Factors

The rise in consumer worries about animal welfare and antibiotics has spawned new challenges. The rules of the game have changed regarding the judicious use of antibiotics. Starting on January 1st, 2018, Indonesia started an outright ban on AGP. It will be important to anticipate the impacts affecting farm performance and the actions by the industry in the countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam. Our team of specialists supports products that boost the efficiency of animal nutrition, improving animal health and food safety. At the same time, our antibiotics-free products minimise environmental impact.

Feed Cost Savings

A major factor in feed productions are cost savings. We understand that it is a priority for every feed producer to keep costs low while maintaining quality and reliability. Our specialists can support innovative products to achieve both cost reductions and quality improvements.

Complete Feed Without Antibiotics

Many of our clients are looking for alternatives to antibiotics in complete feed. The potential for multi-additives to replace antibiotics is well established, and our team has many alternatives available.

Working With Us

Apart from world-class product solutions and a strong technical team, our clients can also benefit from several other services.

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World-class Infrastructure

Handling more than 100,000 metric tons of specialty ingredients each year, our infrastructure is well set up, maintained and tested. From state-of-the-art warehousing processes to modern IT systems, all of these investments allow us to serve our clients better.

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Regulatory Affairs

Asia’s rules and regulations can sometimes be difficult to navigate. That is why we have invested heavily in professional regulatory affairs teams in each country. Our local colleagues provide a deep understanding and know-how of local policies and help avoid mistakes.

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ISO & OHSAS Certifications

All of our entities and infrastructure are ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certified. Beyond that, our regional warehouse hub in Thailand is also certified for ISO 9001. These procedures allow us to continuously improve our operation quality and the safety of colleagues, clients, and end-users.

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SAP Integrated

All of our offices and infrastructure run on one SAP system. This gives us, and our partners, full transparency of supply chain processes – from order until delivery, and after-sales.

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Customer Service teams

Our local customer service teams in each country make sure customers can rely on us. They combine local know-how with extensive training and are there for our clients every step along the way.

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Compliance & Anti-Corruption

Strong compliance and non-corruption practices across all of our departments help us create trust. This is why many international technology partners choose to rely on us when doing business in the region.

Latest News

Stay updated with our latest news, covering company highlights, industry news and trends, and sustainability insights. Learn about new product launches and key policy changes, plus stay informed about recent and upcoming industry events.

Animal Feed & Health Trends – July 2024

Animal Feed & Health Trends – July 2024

Seaweed cuts cow methane without feed or milk impact, Insect ingredients conference aims to make waves, Introducing world’s first carbon tax on agriculture, and more. See what feed journals and feed industry experts have been discussing in the last four weeks.

Animal Feed & Health Trends – June 2024

Animal Feed & Health Trends – June 2024

Novel protein enters European pet food market, Expanding access to sustainable pet food ingredients, Global poultry industry takes stand against antimicrobial resistance, and more. See what feed journals and feed industry experts have been discussing in the last four weeks.

Animal Feed & Health Trends – May 2024

Animal Feed & Health Trends – May 2024

The future of precision nutrition in pig farming, No let-up in demand for plant-based ingredients in pet food, Insights from 15 years research on use of yeast and probiotics in shrimp diets, and more. See what feed journals and feed industry experts have been discussing in the last four weeks.

Animal Feed & Health Trends – April 2024

Animal Feed & Health Trends – April 2024

Poultry industry told to prioritize immune health for profitability boost, Pheromones for effectively stress mitigation in dairy calves, Conditions of poultry markets positive, and more. See what feed journals and feed industry experts have been discussing in the last four weeks.

Animal Feed & Health Trends – March 2024

Animal Feed & Health Trends – March 2024

Botanicals to improve milk production in dairy cows, Transforming fish waste into sustainable feeds, Krill-based salmon feeds, and more. See what feed journals and feed industry experts have been discussing in the last four weeks.

Animal Feed & Health Trends – February 2024

Animal Feed & Health Trends – February 2024

Fermentation tech to be game-changer for feed industry sustainability, Enhancing laying hen production with plant and algae-based technology, and more. See what feed journals and feed industry experts have been discussing in the last four weeks.

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